
ഇന്ത്യന്‍ ഭരണഘടനയുടെ കവര്‍പേജ് രൂപകല്‍പന ചെയ്ത ചിത്രകാരന്‍ ആര് ?

Aബി.എന്‍ റാവു


Cനന്ദലാല്‍ ബോസ്



C. നന്ദലാല്‍ ബോസ്


The original Constitution of India, adopted on 26 January 1950, was not a printed document. It was entirely handcrafted by the artists of Shantiniketan under the guidance of Acharya Nandalal Bose, with the calligraphy texts done by Prem Behari Narain Raizada in Delhi.

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Which of the following exercised profound influence in framing the Indian Constitution ?