Pick out one word which substitute 'Strong unreasonable fear of something'.

One word substitute for ‘a deep or seemingly bottomless space’ is ?

Select proper one word substitute for “an impartial person who watches for administrative abuses inside organizations.” ?

Pick out the one word for – think about something for a long time.

Give one word for - A person who is bad in spelling?

Pick out the one word for 'absence of law and order':

Choose the most appropriate one word that substitute for the descriptions given below. The science or study of the development of a language.

Which of the following is a one word for "the custom of having only one wife"?

Choose the suitable one word for 'best among the works' :

Substitute a one word for 'a place where money is coined':

Which of the following is a one word for "A government by a King or a Queen"?

Which among the following is the best one word substitution for: "A disease prevalent in a particular locality."

One word for a disease that cannot be cured:

"Replace the phrase with one word: " childish talk "

Give one word substitute for 'things of different nature':

Find a one word for "courage excited by wine":

Give a one word substitute for a person who leaves his own country to settle in another.

Give one word substitute for : Write words or letters in the letters of a different alphabet.

Pick out the one word for - a secret arrangement:

Give one word for the phrase ' to forgive ':

Choose the correct one word for the phrase given below : Play games of chance for money, especially for high stakes.

Substitute with one word: 'a person employed to look after a house'

Choose one word: Very often

Substitute with one word: "people working in the same department".

Substitute with one word: ___'a disease that spreads by contact:

A person who causes social or political trouble:

An young person of unusual or remarkable talent is called

Morning prayer in a church :-

An extremely wicked act

One who live on others :

Mutual agreement to marry :

A nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work .

A statement with a hidden meaning is called ________. Choose the correct one word .

Write one word for the phrase underlined, The son turned of deaf ear to  his mother's advice.

Pick out one word which substitute 'A person who has long experience.'

Pick out one word which substitute 'A scholar of language and speech'?

Give a one word substitute for : ' One who does not care for art and literature.'