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Challenger GOLD
Get personalised online coaching for your exam from the top educators
Gold Plan is a personal mentorship program which connects students with experienced mentors who provide personalised support and guidance to get top rank in upcoming PSC exams.Features
Recorded video classes
Study-notes based on video & comprehensive notes on topics
Practice questions
Revision class
Whatsapp study groups
Individual Mentorship support
6 month support
Great app with good teachers. Their wisdom, dedication and kindness will always lead us on the right path and inspire us to be better. Thank you for being the guide and for inspiring me to do well in my studies.
Smitha Raj
I was using the app from a early stage when they introduced batches i enrolled in 10th mains batch with the help of hashim sir. when the batch started i was litreally shocked by the materials and the classes they provided everything was clearly organized and easy to follow along with the mentor.
Vishnu Mv
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