
.Person who suggested that the preamble should begin with the words “In the name of God.”

AH.C. Mookherjee

BK.T. Shah

CH.V. Kamath

DB.N. Rau


C. H.V. Kamath


  • British

    • Parliamentary system
    • Constitutional Head of State
    • Lower House of Parliament more powerful than the Upper House
    • Responsibility of Council of Ministers towards Parliament
    • Prevalence of the rule of law


    • Preamble
    • Fundamental Rights
    • Functions of Vice-president
    • Amendment of Constitution
    • Nature and functions of the Supreme Court
    • Independence of the judiciary


    • List of concurrent powers
    • Procedure for solving deadlock over concurrent subjects between the Centre and the States


    • Directive Principles of State Policy
    • Method of nomination of members to the Rajya Sabha

    Weimer Constitution of Germany

    • Powers of the President


    • Provisions of a strong nation
    • Name of the Union of India
    • Vesting residuary powers

    South African

    • Procedure of amendment with a two-thirds majority in Parliament (To read abut the types of amendments , follow the linked article.)
    • Election of the members of the Rajya Sabha on the basis of proportional representation by the State Legislatures

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Who proposed the Preamble before the Drafting Committee of the Constitution ?