
The 'Eravallans' tribe predominantly reside in which district of Kerala?






A. Palakkad


Eravallans Tribe

  • The Eravallans are a designated Scheduled Tribe. mainly live in Palghat District and some areas of Coimbatore District.
  • They speak a simple dialect of Tamil and can communicate in Malayalam with visitors.
  • Their primary occupations are agriculture and agricultural labor, with some owning and cultivating their own land.
  • Historically, they were engaged in hunting and food gathering, but these practices have diminished over time.
  • The Eravallans follow animist and totemist beliefs, worshiping animals, trees, and stones as part of their origin.
  • They celebrate festivals such as Onam, Vishu, and Mattu Pongal.
  • According to the 2011 census, their estimated population is around 4,797 individuals.

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