
Choose the incorrect statement :

AAuguste Comte is considered as the father of sociology.

BArticle 24 indicates right against child labour.

CAristotle defined philosophy as the Science of Knowledge.

DAcculturation is the process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviour of another group.


C. Aristotle defined philosophy as the Science of Knowledge.


  • Aristotle did not define philosophy as the "Science of Knowledge." This is incorrect.

  • Aristotle actually defined philosophy more in terms of the study of being, first principles, or the investigation of truth.

  • The definition given in option C is not consistent with Aristotle's actual views on philosophy.

  • The other three statements are correct:

  • Auguste Comte is indeed considered the father of sociology

  • Article 24 of the Indian Constitution does prohibit child labor

  • Acculturation is correctly defined as the process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors of another group

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