
State the correct answer. A unique objective of the Eighth Plan is :

AAchieving self-sufficiency in food-production.

BUniversalization of elementary education and thereby eradicating illiteracy in the age group of 15 to 35 years.

CAchieving a growth rate of 2.4% p.a.

DExport promotion and solving foreign exchange problem


B. Universalization of elementary education and thereby eradicating illiteracy in the age group of 15 to 35 years.


Eighth Five-Year Plan (1992-97)

  • It was launched immediately after the initiation of structural adjustment policies and macro stabilisation policies which were necessitated by the worsening balance of payments position’ and inflation during 1990-91.
  • This Period was the beginning of liberalization, privatisation and globalization (LPG) in India.
  • The target growth rate of the plan was 5.6% and the actual growth rate was 6.8%

Objectives of the Plan:

(i) Generation of adequate employment to achieve near full employment level by the turn of the century.

(ii) Containment of population growth through people’s active co-operation and an effective scheme of incentives and disincentives.

(iii) Universalization of elementary education and complete eradication of illiteracy among the people in the age group of 15 to 35 years.

(iv) Provision of safe drinking water and primary healthcare facilities, including immunisation accessible to all the villages and the entire population and complete elimination of scavenging.

(v) Growth and diversification of agriculture to achieve self-sufficiency in food and generation of surplus for exports.

(vi) Strengthening the infrastructure (energy, transport, communication, irrigation) in order to support the growth process on a sustainable basis.

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