
Kabaddi (Kabbadi or Kabadi) is a game most popular in South and South East Asia and a national game of an Asian country. Which is that country ?






C. Bangladesh



About Kabaddi

  • It is a contact team sport that originated in ancient India

  • The game is most popular in South and South East Asia

  • India won the 2023 Asian Kabaddi Championship title

  • The sport involves "raiders" and "defenders" where raiders must enter the opposing team's half, tag opponents, and return to their half without being tackled

  • It requires a combination of power, agility, strategic thinking, and breath control

  • The term "Kabaddi" comes from the Tamil word "kai-pidi" meaning "to hold hands"

  • International competitions include the Kabaddi World Cup and the Asian Games

  • The Pro Kabaddi League in India has significantly boosted the sport's popularity

  • The game requires minimal equipment, making it accessible in rural areas

  • The sport has different variations across countries but maintains core principles

Bangladesh officially recognizes Kabaddi as its national sport, highlighting its cultural significance in the region.

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