
Find out the correct chronological order of the following events related to Indian national movement.

AFormation of Muslim League , Surat Split , Annulment of Bengal Partition , Champaran Satyagraha

BSurat Split , Annulment of Bengal Partition , Formation of Muslim League , Champaran Satyagraha

CChamparan Satyagraha , Formation of Musilm League, Surat Split , Annulment of Bengal Partition

DAnnulment of Bengal Partition , Champaran Satyagraha , Formation of Muslim League , Surat Split


A. Formation of Muslim League , Surat Split , Annulment of Bengal Partition , Champaran Satyagraha


Formation of Muslim League - 1906 Surat Split - 1907 Annulment of Bengal Partition - 1911 Champaran Satyagraha - 1917

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