
What is the value of escape velocity for an object on the surface of Earth ?

A10.2 km/s

B10.2 m/s

C11.2 m/s

D11.2 km/s


D. 11.2 km/s


Escape velocity:

  • Escape velocity is the minimum speed needed for an object to escape from the gravitational influence of earth.

  • Escape speed is achieved when the object moves with a velocity at which the arithmetic sum of the object's gravitational potential energy and its Kinetic energy equates to zero.

  • That is, the object should possess greater kinetic energy than the gravitational potential energy, in order to escape to infinity.

v Escape = √(2GM/r)


  • Escape velocity on the earth is 11.2 km/s.

  • Escape velocity on the moon is 2.37 km/s.

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