
Match the regions and resource challenges. Which of the following is correct ?

A) Punjab → Waterlogging

B) Gujarat → Soil salinity

C) Odisha → Deforestation

D) Rajasthan → Overgrazing

AA & C only

BA,C & D only

CA,B & D only

DAll of the above


D. All of the above


A) Punjab → Waterlogging

Punjab's intensive irrigation practices have led to waterlogging.

B) Gujarat → Soil salinity

Gujarat's coastal regions face soil salinity due to seawater intrusion.

C) Odisha → Deforestation

Odisha has experienced significant deforestation due to agricultural expansion, urbanization, and logging.

D) Rajasthan → Overgrazing

Rajasthan's arid regions are prone to overgrazing, which degrades pastureland and exacerbates desertification.

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