
Leader of Kurichiar Revolt of 1812


BK. C. Narayaniamma


DAmbu Nair


C. Ramanambi


The leader of the Kurichiar Revolt of 1812 was Ramanambi.

Kurichiar Revolt of 1812:

  • The Kurichiar Revolt took place in Malabar (in present-day Kerala) in 1812 and was led by Ramanambi, a leader from the Kurichiya tribe.

  • This revolt was primarily a response to the oppressive policies of the British East India Company and the unfair treatment of the local tribal people.

  • The Kurichiya community, known for their resistance to external authorities, rose up against the British colonial rule and the injustices faced by them, especially in relation to land taxes and restrictions imposed on the indigenous people.

Ramanambi's Role:

  • Ramanambi, a prominent leader of the Kurichiya tribe, played a crucial role in leading the tribal people in the revolt.

  • He fought for the rights of his people against the British administration and their oppressive policies.

The Kurichiar Revolt of 1812 is a lesser-known but significant tribal uprising in Indian history, marking resistance to British colonial oppression and highlighting the struggles of indigenous communities.

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