
The historic Lucknow Session (1916) of the Congress was presided over by :

AAnnie Basant

BMahatma Gandhi

CAmbika Charan Mazumdar

DRash Bihari Bose


C. Ambika Charan Mazumdar


The Lucknow Session (1916) of Indian National Congress:

  1. Presided by Ambika Charan Mazumdar

  2. Historic importance: Known for the Lucknow Pact between Congress and Muslim League

  3. First time Congress and Muslim League held their sessions simultaneously at same place

  4. Reunification of Moderate and Extremist factions of Congress after Surat Split (1907)

Major Achievements:

  • Congress and Muslim League came to an understanding on the issue of separate electorates

  • Both organizations agreed to work together for self-government

  • Acceptance of separate electorates for Muslims

  • Joint scheme of political reforms was adopted


  • Marked a watershed moment in Hindu-Muslim unity

  • Strengthened the nationalist movement

  • Helped in bringing together different political factions

  • Set foundation for united freedom struggle

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  4. 1893 ലാഹോർ സമ്മേളനം - ആർ സി ദത്ത്  

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