
Which type of mirror is used in rear view mirrors of vehicles?

AConvex mirror

BPlane mirror

CConcave mirror

DNone of these


A. Convex mirror


Concave mirror:

  • In a concave mirror, the outer surface of the sphere is reflecting surface
  • The radius of curvature of a concave mirror is negative.
  • A concave mirror converges all the light rays at a single point.
  • A concave mirror may form a real image or a virtual image depending on the position of the image.
  • Uses : Shaving mirrors, Head mirrors, Ophthalmoscope, Astronomical telescopes, Headlights, Solar furnaces etc.

Convex mirror:

  • In a convex mirror, the inner surface of the sphere is a reflecting surface.
  • The radius of curvature of a convex mirror is positive.
  • A convex mirror diverges the light rays falling on it.
  • A convex mirror always forms a virtual image.
  • Uses : When convex mirrors are used, the magnification of objects becomes simple.
  • It is used in sunglasses, rear-view mirror in automobiles, reflector for street lights etc


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  2. അന്തർദേശീയ പ്രകാശ വർഷമായി കണക്കാക്കിയത് 2011 ആണ്

  3. പ്രകാശത്തിന്റെ അടിസ്ഥാന കണം ആയി അറിയപ്പെടുന്നത് ടാക്കിയോൺ ആണ്.