
Who is the First Chairman of State Human Rights Commission?

AT.K. Wilson

BM.M. Pareed Pillay

CS. Balaraman

DAntony Dominic


B. M.M. Pareed Pillay


  • Working of the States Human Rights CommissionThe Commission is vested with the power to regulate its own procedure.
  • It has all the powers of a civil court and its proceedings have a judicial character.
  • It may call for information or report from the state government or any other authority subordinate hitherto.The Commission is not empowered to inquire into any matter after the expiry of one year from the date on which the act constituting violation of human rights is alleged to have been committed. In other words, it can look into a matter within one year of its occurrence
  • .The Commission may take any of the following steps during or upon the completion of an inquiry:

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