
Which one of the following Indian states shares international boundaries with three nations?


BHimachal Pradesh

CArunachal Pradesh



C. Arunachal Pradesh


Arunachal Pradesh

  • Formed - 20 February 1987

  • Capital – Itanagar

  • Location – Northeast India shares borders with Bhutan, China, Myanmar and Assam

  • Area - 83,743 sq km (32,333 sq mi)

  • Highest peak: Kangto (7,060 m/23,163 ft)

  • Population (estimated 2020) - 1.5 million

  • Density - 17 persons/sq km (44/sq mi)

  • Literacy Rate – 66.95% (2011 Census)

  • Languages ​​– 26 major languages ​​including Naishi, Adi and Monpa

  • Festivals - Loser, Nyokum Yullo, C-Doni

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