The correctly spelt word below is:

Which is the correct word among the following?

Correctly spelt word is :

Choose the correctly spelt word.

What is the correct spelt word ?

Select the correct spelling from amongst the given alternatives.

Select the correct spelling from amongst the given alternatives.

Which is the right spelling?

Choose the incorrectly spelt word :

Choose the incorrectly spelt word :

The correctly spelt word below is

Find the correctly spelt word:

Choose the correct spelling:

Pick the correctly spelt word:

Identify the wrongly spelt word:

Which one of the following words is spelt correctly?

Find the correctly spelt word

Find the wrongly spelt word

Find the correctly spelt word

Find the correctly spelt word

Choose the correct spelt word.

The mis-spelt word among the following:

Find the correctly spelt word

Identify the correctly spelt word:

Identify the correctly spelt word:

Identify the correctly spelt word:

Identify the correctly spelt word:

Identify the correctly spelt word:

find the correctly spelt word:

Find the misspelt word:

Choose the correctly spelt word :

Choose the wrongly spelt word.

Select the wrongly spelt word.

Pick out the correctly spelt word:

Which one is correctly spelt?

Which word is correctly spelt ?

Correctly spelt

Choose the correctly spelt word.

Choose the incorrectly spelt word .

Find the correctly spelt word .

Pick out the correctly spelt word in each of the following groups: 

a) 1. Embarrassment 2. Embarassment 3. Embarasment  4. Embarassmant

b) 1. Comparitive 2. Comparative 3. Comparetive   4. Comparativ

c) 1. Pnemonia 2. Nuemonia 3. Pnuemonia  4. Pneumonia

Find out the word/words that has/have the right spelling.

 i) debut

ii) entreprenur

iii) consciencious 


Identify the correct spelling