HSA English Syllabus
Part A of the HSA English exam covers topics like a) Renaissance and freedom movement, b) General Knowledge and Current Affairs, and c) Teaching Aptitude and related Pedagogy. Part B covers questions related to the subject of English. The syllabus related to HSA English Exam 2022 is discussed below
Module I : Renaissance and freedom movement
Module II: General Knowledge and current affairs
Module III: Methodology of teaching the subject
Module I: Poetry
Module II: Drama
Module III: Prose and Fiction
Module IV: Literary Criticism/ Terms
Module V: Linguistics, Phonetics and History of Language
Module VI: Modern English Usage
Module VII: Basic Grammar
Module VIII: Teaching of English
Part B
Module I: Poetry
1 | Shakespeare | Sonnet 121 | 13 | Tagore | Where the Mind Is Without Fear |
2 | Donne | A Valediction ForbiddingMourning | 14 | Nissim Ezekiel |
Night of The Scorpion |
3 | Milton | On His Blindness | 15 | Kamala Das | An Introduction |
4 | Gray | Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard | 16 | A.K.Ramanujan | Obituary |
5 | Wordsworth | Tintern Abbey | 17 | Robert Frost | Home Burial |
6 | Shelley | To A Skylark | 18 | Emily Dickinson | Because I Could NotStop for Death |
7 | Keats | Ode on A GrecianUrn | 19 | Wole Soyinka | A TelephoneConversation |
8 | Tennyson | Ulysses | 20 | MeenaAlexander | House of A ThousandDoors |
9 | Browning | My Last Duchess | 21 | MargaretAtwood | This Is A PhotographOf Me |
10 | Arnold | Dover Beach | 22 | David Diop | Africa |
11 | W.B.Yeats | A Prayer For MyDaughter | 23 | Jack Davis | Aboriginal Australia |
12 | Sylvia Plath | Daddy | |
Module 2. Drama
1. Shakespeare : Macbeth
2. Sheridan : School for Scandal
3. Oscar Wilde : The Importance of Being Ernest
4. Ibsen : A Doll's House
5. Shaw : Pygmalion
6. J.M. Synge : Riders to The Sea
7. Samuel Beckett : Waiting for Godot
8. Arthur Miller : Death of A Salesman
9. Tennessee Williams : The Glass Menagerie
10. Girish Karnad : Nagamandala
Module 3. Drama
1. Francis Bacon : Of Studies
2. Steele : The Trumpet Club
3. A.G. Gardiner : On the Rule of The Road
4. E.M. Forster : On Tolerance
5. Bertrand Russel : Functions of A Teacher
6. Dr.Radhakrishnan : Humanities vs Science
7. Emily Bronte : Wuthering Heights
8. George Orwell : Animal Farm
9. Hemingway : The Old Man and The Sea
10. Shashi Deshpande : Roots and Shadows
11. Arundati Roy : The God of Small Things
12. Toni Morrison : The Bluest Eye
Module 4: Literary Criticism/ Terms
1. Rasa
2. Dhwani
3. Aristotle: Poetics
4. Wordsworth: Preface to Lyrical Ballads
5. Coleridge: Biographia Litereria Chapter 14
6. Arnold: Study of Poetry
7. Eliot: Tradition and The Individual Talent
8. Saussure: Nature of The Linguistic Sign
9. Showalter: Towards A Feminist Poetics
Terms and Movements
Based on the latest editionofM.H. Abrams - A Glossary of Literary Terms Classicism, Neo-Classicism, Romanticism, Humanism, Realism, Magical Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism, Russian Formalism, Marxism, Structuralism, Post Structuralism, Deconstruction, Psychoanalytical Criticism, Feminism, Post Colonialism, Modernism and Post Modernism
Module 5: Linguistics, Phonetics and History of Language
1. Phonology
2. Morphology
3. Syntax
4. Semantics
5. Langue and Parole; Competence and Performance
6. Organs of Speech
7. Classification of Speech Sounds
8. Stress, Rhythm, Intonation
9. Transcription
10. Indo-European Family of languages
11. Loan Words-Latin, Scandinavian, French, Indian
12. Englishes - American, Australian, Indian, and African
Module 6: Modern English Usage
1. Sentence Correction
2. Vocabulary
3. Synonyms and Antonyms
4. Give one word
5. Commonly confused words
6. Language Functions such as agreeing, complaining etc.
7. Appropriate word order
8. Appropriate sentence order
9. Idioms
10. Passage for comprehension
Module 7: Basic Grammar
1. Article
2. Prepositions
3. Clauses
4. Tenses
5. Phrasal Verbs
6. Conjunctions
7. Reported Speech
8. Voice
9. Question Tag
10. Transformation of sentences
Module 8: Teaching of English
1. Schools - Behaviourism, Cognitivism, Constructivism
2. Skills and subskills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing
3. Language Acquisition and Learning, Krashen
4. Methods and Approaches: Grammar Translation; Audio-lingual; Direct Method; Structural- Oral Situational Approach; Communicative Approach; Bilingual Method; Humanistic Approaches
5. Use of AV aids and ICT
6. Teaching of Prose, Poetry and Grammar
7. Testing and Evaluation
8. Learner Types
9. Teaching learners with disability
10. NCF, KCF on teaching of English