
According to the Preamble of the Constitution, India is a

ASovereign- Socialist-Democratic- Secular - Republic

BSocialist-Sovereign - Secular - Democratic - Republic

CSovereign - Secular - Socialist - Democratic - Republic

DSovereign - Socialist - Secular - Democratic - Republic


D. Sovereign - Socialist - Secular - Democratic - Republic


  • Source of the Indian Constitution The People of India are revealed to be the source of the authority of the Indian Constitution. The words, ‘We, the People of India’ reflect the same. 
    Nature of the Indian State The Preamble of India tags India as the sovereign, socialist, republic, secular and democratic nation
    Objective of the Indian Constitution Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity are denoted as the objectives of the Preamble of India
    Adoption Date of the Constitution of India November 26, 1949  as the date when then the Indian Constitution

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