
Which among the following statements is true?

AThe SW monsoon rain received in Kerala is mostly Orographic

BThe SW monsoon rain received in Kerala is mostly Border rain

CThe SW monsoon rain received in Kerala is mostly Convectional

DThe SW monsoon rain received in Kerala is mostly Frontal


A. The SW monsoon rain received in Kerala is mostly Orographic


"The SW monsoon rain received in Kerala is mostly Orographic" is true.

Orographic rainfall occurs when moist air is forced to rise over a mountain range or highland, cooling and condensing to form rain. In the case of Kerala, the Western Ghats act as a barrier for the Southwest Monsoon winds (SW Monsoon), causing the moisture-laden winds to rise. As the air rises over the mountains, it cools, and the moisture condenses, resulting in heavy rainfall on the windward side of the mountains (the side facing the monsoon winds), which includes Kerala.

This is why Kerala receives substantial rainfall during the Southwest Monsoon season (June to September), especially in its western coastal regions and the foothills of the Western Ghats. The orographic effect plays a major role in the high rainfall received by the state.

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