
Imaginary semicircle that join North and South Poles are called :






D. Longitudes


Latitude and Longitude

  • Imaginary circles drawn parallel to the Equator are called latitudes.

  • They are marked North and South of the equator up to 90°.

  • The horizontal line drawn exactly at the centre of the globe is the equator. It is the 0º latitude.

  • 90° North latitude is the North Pole and 90° South latitude is the South Pole

  • Imaginary semicircle that join North and South Poles are called longitudes.

  • 0° longitude is the Prime meridian, 180° longitude is the International Date Line.

  • India lies between the latitudes 8°4>N and 37°6>N & longitudes 68°7>E and 97°25>E.

  • The only latitude which passes through India is The Tropic of Cancer(23°30′N)

  • Standard Meridian of India - 82°30′E.


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