
The electronic configuration of an element M is 2, 8, 2. In modern periodic table, the element M is placed in

A4th group

B2nd group

C14th group

D18th group


B. 2nd group


  • The number of shells equals the period number of that element.
  • The number of valence electrons indicates the group of that element.


  • Electronic Configuration of Oxygen – 2, 6
  • It has 2 shells and 6 valence electrons. So it belongs to 2nd period and 6th group.


  • In the question given that, the electronic configuration is 2,8,2.
  • It has 3 shells and 2 valence electrons. So it belongs to 3rd period and 2nd group.
  • In modern periodic table, the element M is placed in 3rd period and 2nd group.

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