
“Scurvy" occurs due to the deficiency of :

AVitamin A

BVitamin B

CVitamin C

DVitamin D


C. Vitamin C


  • Scurvy is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in the diet. Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, a protein that gives structure to skin, bones, and connective tissue.

Symptoms of Scurvy

1. Fatigue and weakness: One of the earliest signs of scurvy.

2. Malaise: A general feeling of being unwell.

3. Loss of appetite: Reduced interest in food.

4. Weight loss: Unintentional weight loss due to poor appetite and malabsorption.

5. Skin problems: Dry, rough, or bumpy skin, easy bruising, and poor wound healing.

6. Joint pain and swelling: Pain and swelling in the joints, especially the knees, ankles, and wrists.

7. Bleeding gums: Swollen, bleeding gums, and loose teeth.

8. Poor wound healing: Slow healing of cuts and wounds.

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