
The Governor General who brought General Service Enlistment Act :

ALord Canning

BLord Wavell

CLord Curzon

DLord Lytton


A. Lord Canning


General Service Enlistment Act

  • In 1856, the British Parliament passed the General Service Enlistment Act, a significant piece of legislation aimed at standardizing military service requirements for Indian soldiers.

  • This Act mandated that all Indian sepoys, or soldiers, could be deployed overseas if deemed necessary by the British authorities.

  • This requirement marked a notable shift in military policy, as it forced Indian soldiers to serve beyond their homeland, often in unfamiliar and challenging conditions.

  • The introduction of the Act occurred just before the outbreak of the Anglo-Persian War (1856-1857), a conflict that further highlighted the British military's need for a flexible and readily deployable force.

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