
Which plan was called as Mehalanobis plan named after the well-known economist ?

AFirst plan

BSecond plan

CThird plan

DFourth plan


B. Second plan


Second Five Year Plan ( 1956 - 1961 )

  • The Second Five - Year Plan ( 1956 - 1961 ) of India is commonly known as the Mahalanobis Plan.

  • It was named after the renowned Indian economist and statistician, Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis.

  • The plan focused on rapid industrialization, particularly in the public sector , with an emphasis on :

  1. Heavy industries ( steel , machinery )

  2. Infrastructure development ( irrigation , power )

  3. Import substitution

  • Mahalanobis' s strategy aimed to reduce dependence on foreign goods and promote self - sufficiency.

  • key features of the plan included:

  1. Investment in public sector undertakings

  2. Emphasis on capital goods production

3. Increased government control over the economy

  • The Mahalanobis Plan played a significant role in shaping India's economic development and industrial growth during the 1950s and 1960s.

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