
What is called "Magna Carta' in English Education in India ?

AWoods despatch

BMacaulay Minutes

CHunter Commission

DKothari Commission


A. Woods despatch


  • Wood's Despatch was issued in 1854 by Sir Charles Wood, who was the President of the Board of Control of the East India Company.

  • This document was a comprehensive educational policy that laid the foundation for the modern educational system in India during British rule.

Features of Wood's Despatch

  1. It recommended establishing a properly articulated system of education from primary schools to universities

  2. It emphasized the promotion of Western learning and education through English

  3. It proposed the establishment of universities in major presidency towns (which led to the founding of universities in Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras in 1857)

  4. It advocated for the education of the masses in vernacular languages at primary levels

  5. It introduced a grants-in-aid system to support private educational institutions

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