
The maximum power in India comes from which plants?






A. Thermal


  • Other than thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, solar power plants use thermal energy for power generation. Different ways of generating thermal energy are:
  •  Using fossil fuels: By burning, fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, the chemical energy stored in them is converted into thermal energy.
  • Using natural gas: Chemical energy in natural gas is converted into thermal energy.
  • Using nuclear fuels: Controlled chain reaction in nuclear power plants releases a huge amount of thermal energy.
  • Using solar energy: Solar energy can be reflected and absorbed in absorbers where it gets converted to thermal energy.
  • Using geothermal energy: Underground water, sometimes, comes in contact with hot spots (where hot molten rocks are found), and thus steam is generated which is then collected via hot springs. Thus, geothermal energy is converted to heat energy.

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