
The 'Swadeshabhimani' owned by:

AAbdul Rahman

BK. Ramakrishna Pillai

CVakkom Abdul Khadar Moulavi

DK.P. Kesavamenon


C. Vakkom Abdul Khadar Moulavi

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Who among the following organised womens wing of Atmavidya Sangham at Alappuzha ?

താഴെ പറയുന്നവയില്‍ ശ്രീനാരായണഗുരുവിന്റെ കൃതിയേത് ?

The Vaikunda Malai was located in?

The work poses a social criticism against the rotten customs among the Namboodiries and Nairs and discuss the necessity of acquiring English education in the changing social relations is