
The very first five - year plan of India was based on the model of :

ABombay Plan

BMahalanobis model

CHarrod – Domar model

DNone of these


C. Harrod – Domar model


  • The First Five-Year Plan of India (1951 -1956 ) was based on the Harrod - Domar model.

  • Key features of the plan:

  • Objectives:

  1. Economic growth

  2. Self - reliance

  3. Social justice

  4. Reduction of Poverty and inequality

  • Strategy :

  1. Heavy investment in infrastructure ( irrigation , power , transport )

  2. Rapid industrialization

  3. Agricultural development

  4. Emphasis on public sector

  • Harrod - Domar Model:

  • Developed by Roy Harrod and Evsey Domar , this model emphasis:

  • Savings and investment

  • Capital accumulation

  • Technological progress

  • Economic growth through investment

  • Key features of Harrod - Domar model in India's First Plan:

  1. Focus on capital - intensive industries

  2. Emphasis on infrastructure development

  3. Investment in human capital ( education , healthcare )

  4. Government intervention in strategic sectors

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