
Which of the following statements are correct?

1.The Partition of Bengal was canceled in 1910

2. It was canceled by Lord Hardinge II.

A1 only

B2 only

CBoth the statements are correct

DBoth the statements are wrong


B. 2 only


The Partition of Bengal

  • The Partition of Bengal took place on October 16, 1905, dividing Bengal into two regions: Bengal and Eastern Bengal and Assam.

  • It was initiated by the British government to weaken growing nationalism and disrupt Hindu-Muslim unity.

  • Bengal was divided along religious lines, with Hindu majority in Bengal and Muslim majority in Eastern Bengal and Assam.

  • The partition led to widespread protests, particularly from Hindus in Western Bengal, who viewed it as a "divide and rule" strategy.

  • In response, the Swadeshi Movement was launched, encouraging the boycott of British goods and the promotion of local industries.

  • The partition became a turning point in the Indian independence movement, fostering unity among nationalist leaders and activists.

  • Due to the intense opposition, the partition was reversed in 1911, reuniting Bengal, although communal tensions remained.

  • It was canceled by Lord Hardinge II.

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