Which of the following statements are false regarding the Ahmedabad Mill Strike?
1.There was a situation of conflict between the Gujarat Mill owners and workers on the question of Plague Bonus. The Mill Owners wanted to withdraw the bonus whole the workersdemanded a 50% wage hike. The Mill Owners were willing to give only 20% wage hike.
2.Under the leadership of Gandhi, there was a strike in the cotton mills. In this strike Gandhi used the weapon of Hunger strike.The result was that the strike was successful and the workers got a 35% wage increase.
A1 only
B2 only
CBoth 1 and 2
DNeither 1 nor 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Under the leadership of Gandhi, there was a strike in the cotton mills. In this strike Gandhi used the weapon of Hunger strike.It was carried out in pure non-violent disciplined way. The result was that the strike was successful and the workers got a 35% wage increase.