
Which of the following statement is/are correct about the earthquake waves?
(i) P-waves can travel through solid, liquid and gaseous materials.
(ii) S-waves can travel through solid and liquid materials.
(iii) The surface waves are the first to report on seismograph.

AOnly (i)

BOnly (ii) and (iii)

COnly (i) and (iii)

DAll of the above (i), (ii) and (iii)


A. Only (i)


An earthquake generates seismic waves that penetrate the Earth as body waves (P & S) or travel as surface waves (Love and Rayleigh). Each wave has a characteristic speed and style of motion. P-wave:the primary body wave; the first seismic wave detected by seismographs; able to move through both liquid and solid rock. S Wave—secondary body waves that oscillate the ground perpendicular to the direction of wave travel. They travel about 1.7 times slower than P waves. Because liquids will not sustain shear stresses, S waves will not travel through liquids like water, molten rock, or the Earth’s outer core. S waves produce vertical and horizontal motion in the ground surface.

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