
Which of the following war began the consolidation of British supremacy over India ?

ABattle of Buxar

BBattle of Plassey

CIIIrd Battle of Mysore

DIndependence Struggle of 1857


B. Battle of Plassey


  • British supremacy established in India from the battle of Plassey.

  • British defeated Nawab Sirajuddaulah in the battle of Plassey on 23 June, 1757 under the command of Robert Clive.

  • Nawab’s army was under the command of three traitors-Jafar, Yar Latif Khan and Rai Durlab.

  • Siraj fled from the battlefield to Murshidabad due to reverse circumstances of war. It finally resulted in his defeat.

  • This victory provided instant military and commercial benefits to Britishers.

  • Battle of Plassey set the ground for British political dominion establishment over three leading states of agriculture and Handcrafting - Bihar, Bengal, and Orissa.

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