
Who is considered as the Prophet of Nationalism?

AM. K. Gandhi

BRam Mohn Roy

CRabindranath Tagore

DDayanand Saraswati


B. Ram Mohn Roy


  • Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the first Indian who started a movement against prevailing evils in the Indian society.

  • Due to his innovative ideas, the nineteenth century of India saw the emergence of the Renaissance.

  • Raja Ram Mohan Roy was also known as ‘Father of the Indian Renaissance’, ‘Paigambar of Indian Nationalism,’ ‘Bridge between past and future,’ ‘Father of Modern India,’ ‘First Modern Man’ and ‘Yugadoot.’

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Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).

  • Assertion (A): The Asiatic Society of Bengal was established in the period of Warren Hastings and he modestly declined the offer of Presidentship of that learned body in favour of Sir William Jones.

  • Reason (R): Warren Hastings was himself a great scholar and an ardent orientalist who used to encourage the study of Sanskrit, Persian and Arabic.

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