
In 1955, The Imperial Bank of India was renamed as?

AUnion Bank of India

BBank of India

CState Bank of India

DNone of the above


C. State Bank of India


Evolution of Banking in India:

  • The first bank in India, the Bank of Hindustan was established in 1770 in Calcutta started by Alexander and Co. (failed 1832)

  • Next came General Bank of India established in 1786.

  • The East India Company established the Bank of Bengal in 1809.

  • Bank of Bombay was established in 1840

  • Bank of Madras was established in 1843,.

  • These three banks were generally called Presidency Banks.

  • These three banks were amalgamated in 1921 and the Imperial Bank of India was established.

  • The imperial bank was nationalised in 1955 and renamed it as SBI. (July 1 1955 as per the recommendation of Gorwala committee)

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