
Energy stored in a spring in watch-

AKinetic Energy

BPotential Energy

CHeat Energy

DChemical Energy


B. Potential Energy


Potential energy & Kinetic energy:

  • Potential energy is the energy stored in an object due to its position or arrangement.

  • Kinetic energy is the energy of an object due to its movement or motion.


  • The spring of a watch stores elastic potential energy.

  • When a watch is wound, the spring's shape changes and stores potential energy.

  • This potential energy is converted to kinetic energy when the spring is released and unwound, which transfers energy to the watch's moving parts.

  • The amount of energy stored in a spring is proportional to how much it's stretched or compressed.

  • The watch's mechanism, uses the energy stored in the spring to provide a continuous estimate of rotation for a period of time.

Related Questions:

What happens to its potential energy when an object is taken to high altitude?

Potential energy = mass × ________ × height

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