
He will say, " I have done this work" . ( Change into Indirect speech)

AHe will say that he has done that work.

BHe will said that he has done that work.

CHe say that he has done that work.

DHe will say that he have done that work.


A. He will say that he has done that work.


ഇതൊരു Assertive sentence ആണ്. Subject ൽ ആരംഭിക്കുന്ന sentence ആണ് Assertive sentence. Direct speech ൽ Reporting verb ആയി say, says, tell, tells, will say , will tell. shall say, shall tell എന്നിവ വന്നാൽ Indirect speech ലും reporting verb ആയി അത് തന്നെ ഉപയോഗിക്കണം. അതിനു ശേഷം 'that' എഴുതണം . Direct speech ൽ Reporting verb ആയി say, says, tell, tells, will say , will tell. shall say, shall tell ( means tense simple present or simple future ) എന്നിവ വന്നാൽ Indirect speech ൽ tense നു മാറ്റം വരരുത്. 'I' indirect speech ൽ വരുമ്പോൾ 'he' ആകണം. ( Ram ആൺ ആയതുകൊണ്ട് Indirect speech ൽ 'he' ആകും.) 'have' indirect speech ൽ വരുമ്പോൾ 'has' ആകും. ( Subject singular(He) ആയതുകൊണ്ട് 'Has' വരും.) 'This' indirect speech ൽ വരുമ്പോൾ 'that' ആകണം. എന്നിട്ടു balance എഴുതണം.

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