
If ‘good and bad’ is coded as "123", ‘bad is ugly’ is coded as "245" and ‘good is fair’ is coded as "436", then what is the code for ‘fair’?






C. 6


Let's break down the coding pattern: - "good and bad" is coded as "123" - "bad is ugly" is coded as "245" - "good is fair" is coded as "436" Now, let's try to match the words with the numbers: - "good" corresponds to 1 in both "123" and "436" - "bad" corresponds to 2 in both "123" and "245" - "and" corresponds to 3 in "123" - "is" corresponds to 4 in both "245" and "436" - "ugly" corresponds to 5 in "245" - "fair" corresponds to 6 in "436" So, "fair" is coded as 6

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