
In which case, the Supreme Court specifically opined that Preamble is ‘not’ a part of the Constitution?

ABerubari Union case

BKesavanada Bharati case

CBoth (a) & (b)

DNone of the above


A. Berubari Union case


  • Ans: The Preamble is the preface of the Indian constitution. It defines the goals and objectives of the constitution.
    The meaning of justice is that all the citizens of India should be given social, economic and political justice.
    The Preamble provides liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith, and worship.
    Equality refers to equal opportunity and equality of status. It also asserts that all citizens are equal before the law and enjoy equal protection of the land laws. Article 14 to 18 aims to remove any social inequalities.
    Fraternity refers to a spirit of brotherhood among the people of the land. India is a land of immense diversity, so the spirit of brotherhood assures dignity to all citizens and the country's unity and integrity.

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