
ISP stands for :

AInternet Service Provider

BInternet Site Provider

CInternal Standard Program

DNone of these


A. Internet Service Provider


Internet Service Provider (ISP)

  • A company or organization that provides access to the Internet, as well as related services such as email, web hosting, and domain registration, to individuals, businesses, and other organizations.

ISPs typically offer a range of services, including:

  • Internet access - Providing connectivity to the Internet via dial-up, DSL, cable, fiber, or other technologies.

  • Email services - Providing email accounts and hosting for individuals and businesses.

  • Web hosting - Hosting websites and providing storage and bandwidth for online content.

  • Domain registration - Registering and managing domain names for individuals and businesses.

  • Networking services - Providing network design, implementation, and management services for businesses and organizations.

Examples of ISPs

  • Comcast

  • AT&T

  • Verizon

  • Charter Spectrum

  • Cox Communications

  • Google Fiber

  • CenturyLink

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