
Prasanna ................. reached Bangalore by this time.

Awill have

Bwould have

Cmay have

Dshall have


B. would have


  • Future perfect tense-ൽ ഉള്ള sentence-ൽ ,would have-ന് ശേഷം past participle form of verb വരണം. Reached എന്നത് past participle form of verb ആണ്. അതിനാൽ reached നു മുന്നിൽ ആയിട്ട് would have എന്ന് വരണം.
  • The main difference between will and would is that 'would' can be used in the past tense but 'will' cannot be used. Also, would is commonly used to refer to a future event that may occur under specific conditions (by this time/ഈ സമയം കൊണ്ട്), while will is used more generally to refer to future events.

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