
'Recess' under Indian Constitutional Scheme means:

Ainterval between prorogation of Parliament and its reassembly in new session

BParliament in session

Cadjournment of Parliament

Ddissolution of house.


A. interval between prorogation of Parliament and its reassembly in new session


  • A parliamentary recess refers to a temporary break or adjournment in the sessions or meetings of a parliamentary body
  • Technically, a session of the Indian Parliament is intiated with the Summoning of Parliament
  • Summoning is the process of calling all members of the Parliament to meet.
  • The President summons each House of the Parliament from time to time.
  • The gap between two sessions of the Parliament cannot exceed 6 months, which means the Parliament meets at least two times in one year.
  • The end of a session is known as Prorogation.
  • The time between the Prorogation and reassembly is called Recess. 

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