
The Central Government law/Scheme that was unanimously struck down by the five-judge Constitution Bonch of the Supreme Court on February 15, 2024 as the bench found the Law/Scheme to be unconstitutional

AThe Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003

BThe Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002

CThe Electoral Bond scheme that was introduced in the Finance Bill, 2017 during Union Budget 2017-18

DThe Agnipath Scheme brought in by the Central government in 2022


C. The Electoral Bond scheme that was introduced in the Finance Bill, 2017 during Union Budget 2017-18


The Electoral Bond scheme was introduced in the Finance Bill, 2017, during Union Budget 2017-18. However, it was struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in its February 15, 2024, judgment.

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