
The phone company ............ our phone because we didn't pay the bill.

Acut in

Bcut off

Ccut onto

Dcut into


B. cut off


Cut in: This means to interrupt or join in suddenly. Cut off: This means to discontinue or terminate a service (ഒരു service അവസാനിപ്പിക്കുക), which is appropriate for describing the phone company stopping service due to non-payment (പണമടയ്ക്കാത്തതിനാൽ ഫോൺ കമ്പനി സേവനം നിർത്തുന്നത് വിവരിക്കുന്നതിന് അനുയോജ്യമാണ്). Cut into: This means to make an incision into something. Cut onto: This is not a standard phrasal verb and doesn't make sense in this context.

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