
They could have won the match. Change into passive voice.

AThe match could have been won by them.

BThe match have been won by them.

CThe match could be won by them.

DThe match could won.


A. The match could have been won by them.


Active voice ൽ modal auxiliary verb ( will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, ought to, must) കഴിഞ്ഞു have + V3 form വന്നാൽ , അതിനെ passive voice ആക്കുന്ന വിധം : object + modal auxiliary verb + have + been +V3 + by + subject. ഇവിടെ object 'The match' ആണ് . ഉപയോഗിച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന modal auxiliary verb 'could' ആണ്. അതിനു ശേഷം 'have been' എഴുതണം. അതിനു ശേഷം V3 form ആയ 'won' എഴുതണം. അതിനു ശേഷം 'by' എഴുതണം. അതിനു subject ആയ 'they' നെ passive ലേക്ക് മാറ്റി 'them' ആക്കി എഴുതണം.

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