
Which of the following statements are true?

1.The Central Vigilance Commission consists of a Central Vigilance Commissioner as Chairperson and not more than 2 Vigilance Commissioners in it.

2.They hold office for a term of four years or until they attain the age of sixty five years, whichever is earlier.

A1 only

B2 only

CBoth 1 and 2

DNeither 1 nor 2


C. Both 1 and 2


The Central Vigilance Commissioner and the Vigilance Commissioners shall be appointed by the President on recommendation of a Committee consisting of the Prime Minister (Chairperson), the Minister of home affairs (Member) and the Leader of the Opposition in the House of the People.(Lok Sabha).They hold office for a term of four years or until they attain the age of sixty five years, whichever is earlier.

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