
Which one of the following right of Indian Constitution guarantees all the fundamental rights to every resident of a country?

ARight against exploitation

BRight to freedom

CRight to equality

DRight to constitutional remedies


D. Right to constitutional remedies


  • Part III of the Constitution provides for legal remedies for the protection of these rights against their violation by the State or other institutions/individuals. It entitles the citizens of India to move the Supreme Court or High Courts for the enforcement of these rights. The State is forbidden from making any law that may conflict with the Fundamental Rights.
  • Article 32 also empowers Parliament to authorize any other court to issue these writs
  • Before 1950, only the High Courts of Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras had the power to issue the writs
  • Article 226 empowers all the high courts of India to issue the writs
  • Writs of India are borrowed from English law where they are known as ‘Prerogative writs’

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