
ആസാം, മേഘാലയ, മിസോറാം, ത്രിപുര എന്നീ സംസ്ഥാനങ്ങളിലെ ആദിവാസി മേഖലകളുടെ ഭരണത്തെക്കുറിച്ച് പ്രതിപാദിക്കുന്ന ഷെഡ്യൂള്‍ ഏത് ?

Aഷെഡ്യൂള്‍ 6

Bഷെഡ്യൂള്‍ 1

Cഷെഡ്യൂള്‍ 3

Dഷെഡ്യൂള്‍ 9


A. ഷെഡ്യൂള്‍ 6


The Constitution of India makes special provisions for the administration of the tribal dominated areas in four states viz. Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram. As per article 244 and 6th Schedule, these areas are called “Tribal Areas“, which are technically different from the Scheduled Areas under fifth schedule

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Which among the following statements is/are not correct with regard to the advisory Jurisdiction of Supreme Court of India?

1. The President can refer a question of law or fact of public importance to the Supreme Court of India.

2. The Supreme Court is bound to give its observation in the matter

3. The President is bound by the opinion of Supreme Court.

4. The judge who does not concur may deliver a dissenting judgement

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