
അന്തർദേശീയ പ്രകാശ വർഷമായി കണക്കാക്കിയ വർഷമേത് ?






C. 2015


Important International years:

  • International year of mountains - 2002
  • International year of rice - 2004 
  • International year of physics - 2005 
  • International year of desert and desertification - 2006 
  • International year of languages - 2008 
  • International year of planet Earth - 2008
  • International year of biodiversity - 2010 
  • International year of forest - 2011
  • International year of chemistry - 2011 
  • International year of sustainable energy for all - 2012
  • International year of soil - 2015 
  • International year of light and light based technology - 2015
  • International year of pulses - 2016 
  • International year of sustainable tourism for development - 2017
  • International year of periodic table and chemical elements - 2019 
  • International year of indigenous languages - 2019 
  • International year of artisanal fisheries and aquaculture - 2022
  • International year of camelids - 2024

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