
Who among the following called Indian Federalism a "co-operative federalism"?

AGranville Austin

BIvor Jennings

CD D Basu

DK C Wheare


A. Granville Austin


  • "Cooperative federalism" and "competitive federalism" are two distinct approaches to governance within a federal system.
  • They represent different ways in which central and state governments interact and collaborate in a federal framework

Cooperative Federalism:

  1. Horizontal Relationship: Cooperative federalism involves a horizontal relationship between the central government and the state governments. They work together and cooperate in the larger public interest.

  2. Participation in National Policies: It is a mechanism that enables states to actively participate in the formulation and implementation of national policies. It promotes a sense of collaboration among different levels of government.

  3. Constitutional Obligation: Both the central government and state governments are constitutionally obliged to cooperate with each other on matters specified in Schedule VII of the Indian Constitution.

Competitive Federalism:

  1. Vertical and Horizontal Relationships: In competitive federalism, the relationship between the central government and state governments is vertical, but there is also competition among state governments horizontally.

  2. Post-1990s Economic Reforms: Competitive federalism gained significance in India after the economic reforms of the 1990s. It is closely associated with economic liberalization and globalization.

  3. Promoting Efficiency: States compete among themselves and with the central government for benefits, funds, and investments. This competition is seen as a way to encourage efficiency in administration and promote developmental activities.

  4. Role of Competition: States aim to attract funds and investments, and more developed states tend to be preferred by investors. This competition encourages states to improve their physical and social infrastructure.

  5. Executive Decision: Competitive federalism is not a constitutional mandate but a decision made by the executive branch of the government. It is a policy approach rather than a constitutional requirement.

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